The Podcast That Gets Freshman to Graduation
April 11, 2024

Hope for Students Grappling With Substance Use

Hope for Students Grappling With Substance Use


In this blog post, we delve into the poignant insights of Nico Morales, a former addict who found redemption through recovery. His story serves as a beacon of hope for students grappling with substance use while pursuing academic excellence. We explore Morales' experiences, his expert advice, and the challenges and triumphs of sobriety, offering valuable strategies for navigating the complexities of student life with substance use.

Nico Morales' Story of Addiction and Recovery

Morales' journey into addiction began at a tender age of 14. Alcohol and opioids consumed his life, leading to shattered relationships and a profound sense of isolation. His rock bottom moment came on his 27th birthday when he found himself alone and utterly depleted. This harrowing experience ignited his path to recovery, a testament to the power of transformation.

Substance Use and Its Impact on Relationships

Morales candidly shares the devastating effects of substance use on his familial bonds. Alcoholism and opioid addiction eroded his connections with loved ones, leaving him desolate and estranged. His story highlights the destructive nature of addiction, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing relationships and seeking help when substance use threatens to jeopardize them.

Nico's Advice for Students Balancing Academics and Substance Use

For students balancing academic demands with the allure of substance use, Morales offers invaluable advice. He urges students to recognize the potential consequences of alcohol and drug use on their academic performance, relationships, and overall well-being. He encourages them to seek support from trusted individuals, counselors, or support groups to address their struggles.

Morales' personal experience as a former drug dealer who later earned a bachelor's degree showcases the transformative power of embracing recovery. He emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals, seeking support, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome the challenges of sobriety.

The Challenges of Sobriety

Sobriety, while liberating, presents its own set of challenges. Morales acknowledges the physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, and social pressures that accompany early recovery. He stresses the importance of self-care, healthy coping mechanisms, and a strong support system to navigate these obstacles and sustain long-term sobriety.

Celebrating Successes and Wins in Recovery

Morales believes in celebrating the small and big victories of recovery. He shares his personal strategies for acknowledging his accomplishments, such as treating himself to a nice meal or getting tattoos. These simple acts of self-care serve as tangible reminders of the progress he has made and the value he brings to the community.

Nico Morales' Five Things to Know Before You Get Sober

In his book, "Five Things to Know Before You Get Sober," Morales distills his experiences into practical advice for those considering recovery. He urges individuals to comprehend the nature of addiction, the importance of seeking support, the challenges of early sobriety, the rewarding journey of personal growth, and the acceptance of having "no halo" (i.e., acknowledging imperfections).

Final Words of Encouragement and Hope

Morales concludes by affirming the inherent worthiness of every individual, regardless of their past. He encourages students to embrace their potential, seek help when needed, and never give up on their aspirations. His story serves as a powerful reminder that recovery and academic success are attainable, offering a beacon of hope for those struggling with substance use in the demanding realm of academia.

Related Episode: Nico Morales: From Addict to Author - Substance Abuse and Transformation